Study for Meditation Mat

Study for Meditation Mat
Handspun Tapestry Weaving

Sunday, 7 April 2013

Random Thoughts While Waiting for Spring

Another day, another snow storm.  Friday morning brought several more centimetres of wet white stuff.  There was more last night and again this morning.  Sigh.

I spent yesterday at TrueKnit7, a local craft sale, sharing a booth with my friend, Candace. I enjoy the social aspect of sales; it's always nice to chat with people I haven't seen for a while and to experience the work of new craftspeople. I managed to find a few birthday gifts. I'm pleased when I can buy pieces from local artists. Here's a shot of our table:

Candace is Candy Apple Red Knits.  Her work is to the right side of the photograph.  I had a few skeins of yarn and some art batts for sale, shown on the left.

I spent Sunday morning at the studio, working the desk and "spying" on the second day of the Robin Golt workshop.  This afternoon was a time for my tapestry diary. This is the section I wove today:

Tapestry is like yoga, in that it requires much effort for seemingly small results, but practice and time bring progress. I've finished Day 4 now, each day's segment marked by a row of twining:



  1. It is beautiful Deb. It reminds me of "Hope". By the way - I never know what to select when asked (see below) to choose a profile).


    1. Thank you. What a lovely word for this piece, more appropriate than you know.

      I'm not sure about the profile choice, either. "Anonymous" is fine.
