Study for Meditation Mat

Study for Meditation Mat
Handspun Tapestry Weaving

Saturday, 27 April 2013

Mother of Invention: Kerry's Clever Chart Keeper

One useful accessory when working with two colours is a chart keeper, a magnetic board which helps you map the rounds of your pattern.  There are various styles of these devices; I use one from Knitter's Pride.  It's convenient, because it folds into a compact book size and has snaps which allow you to prop it up on a table.  Mine is a smaller version of the one pictured above (available online at WEBS).

Unfortunately, my knitters were unable to find any style of chart keeper in local shops. Since class ends next week, there wasn't time to order the boards to use them in class; however, during the week, Kerry played a bit and designed this:

Thanks to May for taking the photograph.

It's a metal dry erase marker board, complete with marker (attached at the top).  Kerry found some magnetic strips and she was set.  Not only can she track her pattern, she can make notes on the board as she knits (which I can't do with my commercial board).  The board came from Staples and cost about $12; you can buy the magnetic strips in rolls for a few dollars.

The board is longer and narrower than the chart keepers--perhaps 15 cm x 35 cm/6 inches x 14 inches, still small enough to fit into a knitting bag, although it might need a cover to keep everything in place.  It's sturdy, but light, so it's easy to transport to class. There you go-a home made chart keeper that works as well as the commercial version, with a note-taking function, too.

I learn so much from my students.


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