Study for Meditation Mat

Study for Meditation Mat
Handspun Tapestry Weaving

Wednesday, 10 August 2011

And Now For Something Completely Different

I present to you, my Zombie Apocalypse Preparedness Package:

This is the box I received from FrizzyHooker on Ravelry, for an RR Swap.  We were to send the recipient anything we thought would be useful in the upcoming Zombie Invasion.  The box sent to me contained everything someone fleeing from Zombies could possibly want or need, both useful and comforting.  Among the contents were yarn, personal hygiene items, chocolate, tea, meditation items and a quiver to carry both weapons and fibre tools:

What more could a Zombie-fleeing gal want?  Frizzy thoughtfully sent a cover letter explaining the purpose of each item.  You can read the letter if you click it to enlarge:

It was a great gift and just the thing for the dog days of summer.  Speaking of which, here's Morris yesterday, helping Mr. DD trim trees.  Morris is also very thoughtful; he carefully stripped the bark from each branch and then proceeded to mulch the sticks:

It's the last evening of my spinning class at the library tonight.  There were 13 participants last week (12 students and an onlooker).  It was a busy but fun evening.  I keep forgetting to take pictures of these sessions, but I'll try again tonight.


  1. I love the idea of a zombie-fleeing emergency box! That may work as an idea for Christmas presents!!
